8 Must-Know Principles of Exercise

During the past few years there has been a growing trend and interest in recreational activities and sports. As scientific knowledge and understanding of the importance of exercise on the human body is expanding, more and more people are engaging in sports and activities. The goals of exercise are widely different among individuals. Whether the [...]

Are you a weekend warrior or a professional athlete? A simple formula for success

There is no doubt that staying active and exercising is good for you. There is overwhelming evidence that engaging in any sport or activity and exercising regularly has many physical, psychological, and emotional benefits. Some of these benefits are listed below: Increase strength, flexibility, endurance Increase bone, joint, and muscle health Decrease fatigue Improve cardiovascular [...]

What is the best way to lose weight & fat? Aerobic Exercise or Weight Training?

Obesity has become a global epidemic, especially more prevalent in our modern western societies. There has been great controversy and debate between health professionals, researchers, trainers, and therapists as to which mode of exercise, aerobic vs. weight training, is the champion when it comes to losing weight and fat. The proponents of aerobic exercise, such [...]

By |2016-12-24T03:34:20+00:00January 5th, 2014|Aerobic Exercise, Sports, Sports medicine, Weight Loss, Weight Training|Comments Off on What is the best way to lose weight & fat? Aerobic Exercise or Weight Training?
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